'Serial Stowaway' Arrested for 22nd Time at Chicago Airport

Uh oh ...
'Serial Stowaway' Arrested for 22nd Time at Chicago Airport

Infamous serial stowaway, Marilyn Hartman, was arrested for the 22nd time on Tuesday at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, after sneaking away from her residential facility without permission, CNN reported. 

Around noon on Tuesday afternoon, Hartman reportedly slipped out from the facility where she was being monitored, the Cook County Sheriff's Office explained in a statement to the news outlet. "Staff attempted to contact Hartman using the phone built into the device, but Hartman did not answer," according to the statement, leaving officials to track her anklet, a move that may have confirmed some of their worst fears – the serial stowaway was heading towards her old stomping ground, Chicago's largest airport. 

As 69-year-old Hartman meandered towards O'Hare, investigators followed. Amid the chaos, the city's police force was informed that she was en route to the transportation hub's first terminal around 1:38 p.m., approximately 90 minutes after her stealthy escape. However Hartman's hasty getaway was shortly thwarted – an alarm built into her anklet was activated and she was ultimately captured by the authorities before she could enter any restricted areas, the sheriff's office noted. 

Charged with escaping electronic monitoring, according to the Chicago Tribune, Hartman is currently being held on a $100,000 bond, with CNN reporting that she “will be returned to the Cook County jail,” as officials look to slap the serial stowaway with felony escape charges. 

So, what, exactly led to her airport escapade and the dramatic chase that ensued? According to her lawyer, the answer lies in a television segment. On Sunday, Hartman watched an interview she did for Chicago's CBS affiliate WBBM-TV, which apparently upset her so much that she skipped a therapy appointment on Monday before her O'Hare run the following afternoon, her first visit “in more than a year" the Illinois publication reported. 

While Hartman maintains that she did not consent for the interview to be shown on-air, the station denied her claims on social media. “We have her on tape agreeing to do the interviews and record them," CBS Chicago's official Twitter account wrote in response to a post about the issue. 

Regardless of what prompted Hartman's behavior, the judge presiding over the case was seemingly skeptical of this explanation. “You didn't just go for a walk, you went to the one place you specifically can't go ... O'Hare Airport,” Judge David Navarro quipped before setting her six-figure bail. 

So folks after nearly two-dozen arrests, we can only hppe that Hartman has finally learned that this behavior just won't fly. 22nd time's the charm?

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