Okay, What Is It With You People And 'Aunt Becky?'

There's a conversation we need to have right now and the only way to have it is to give you folks a peek behind the curtain. So here it is: You fuckers really love Aunt Becky.
I'm not kidding. The traffic for "Aunt Becky from Full House" content on this website is inexplicably high. Like, it's not so high that we'd close up shop entirely and become a Lori Laughlin fandom website, but it's high enough to make us go, "Wait, what?"
I'm sorry. We normally don't like to get too meta around here, but it's just so goddamn perplexing. What is up with you people and Aunt Becky? Is it 90's nostalgia? Does her recent imprisonment serve as some kind of celebrity revenge porn? Is John Stamos just visiting our site over and over and over again?
For the life of me, I don't understand it. She's like the eighth most important actor on Full House and that's even if you count the Olsen twins as one person. Yet, you people showed up in droves for this article here about Aunt Becky's prison sentence. Then you clicked like crazy to find out Aunt Becky's arc on Fuller House. You even went mad to click on her daughters' faked rowing photos.
What is going on???? Is this what you want?
Just this? What is it? What is it about this lady?
Here's her best of clip compilation. It's only six minutes long! What is it about these six minutes that have you all so enthralled?
Is it a sex thing, because if it is, that's fine, but our audience doesn't typically just glom on to photos of attractive women. For example, this article featuring Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, two women of a similar age to Lori Loughlin who are supposed to be considered sex icons, didn't do nearly as well as anything Aunt Becky related. So, if it's a sex thing, that's okay, but just explain it? Tell me! I can take it! Why is this woman above all other women your God?
WHAT IS IT?????????
Sorry. I think I just hit the end of my Adderall cycle. I'm better now. So, please, let me know in the comments what your fascination is with Lori Loughlin/Aunt Becky.
Support Dan on Twitter and he will talk about his life with you in lieu of getting a therapist.
Images: Warner Bros. Television