The Bizarre Secret Message Mussolini Left For The Future

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini has always been overshadowed by ... that other guy, but researchers have just discovered something that might bump him up from being a simple awful human being into the realm of a Power Rangers villain.
It was recently discovered that Mussolini left a 1,200-word document hidden inside a metal box under an obelisk that was erected in Rome in 1932. The idea was that the message couldn't be accessed until the monument had been destroyed by time, nature, or man.
This monument to eternal fascism still stands today (weird), but researchers were able to reconstruct the message anyway by combining three obscure sources. It's titled "Codex Fori Mussolini," and basically talks about how great Mussolini was at being a shithead. According to the codex, Mussolini saw himself as a "new Roman Emperor," and was a "shining light" to the Italian people. Uh, the ones he didn't kill, anyway.
Mussolini's rule ended rather abruptly in 1943, so whatever ideas he had for this grand statement to the future didn't go as planned. Instead of a glorious New Testament for fascism as he intended, the document is more of a list of ways not to act when you're in a position of power. Or just ever, in general.
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