5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)

You'd think promotional photos would be easy ... but sometimes wires get crossed.
5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)

You'd think that one of the easiest parts of advertising a movie would be taking the promotional photos. Just get a few shots of the hero and villain staring each other down while the wacky sidekicks have a good time, and you can call it a day. But sometimes wires get crossed, and the photographers end up trying to advertise a movie that has never existed. Like these times ...

You're A Nerd, Daniel!

There are many things that look incredible in movies but incredibly dorky in real life. And as anyone who's had the misfortune of attending a real-life Quidditch match can attest, people running around on brooms tops that list. Behold a young Daniel Radcliffe, wondering if the lifelong fame and fortune will really be worth it.

Warner Bros. Pictures

"How many books are there going to be?" he asks, already feeling the wedgies.

"Seven. Could you try to look more miserable?"

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Warner Bros. Pictures

"Oh dear."

"Don't worry, we're told they'll all be quite short and easy to adapt into individual films."

"Could you at least put Hogwarts in the background of these photos so it doesn't look like I live in a sad void where my only friend is a broom?"

Warner Bros. Pictures

"No. Now glower more, Daniel. Glower!"

Remember The One Where They Play Cards In A Scrapyard?

Everyone knows the classic Friends hangouts. Central Perk, Monica's apartment, the scrapyard -- we had countless laughs in all of them. What, you don't remember that last one?

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Warner Bros. Television
"Could we be getting anymore tetanus?"

Come on, it was the episode where they had to prove their loyalty to the head of their meth syndicate, and anyone who failed would be locked in the trunk of a junked car to rot. Doesn't that ring any bells?

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Warner Bros. Television
"The One Where Tuco Ices Them All"

Monica and Ross made a blood pact that they'd never betray each other no matter how ugly things got, and Joey had started working as a mob enforcer? It was one of the earlier seasons, maybe it's slipped your memory.

Carrie Fisher Threw A Star Wars Beach Party

To promote Return Of The Jedi, Rolling Stone did a photo shoot with Carrie Fisher, America's cool aunt. Naturally, they stuck Fisher in her gold bikini. Less naturally, they went to the beach and brought Darth Vader, an Ewok, a Gamorrean guard, and a boombox.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone
"The Force binds us and ... mmm ... penetrates us ..."

That had to have confused people about the plot of Jedi, right? Princess Leia and her Space Nazi dad put aside their differences to catch a few rays and get uncomfortably close?

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone
But for real, how did the people in those costumes not die of heat stroke?

We're actually surprised by the rare display of restraint George Lucas showed in not making those photos the front and back covers of an official Star Wars pop album, Beach Blasters. But perhaps the weirdest part is the fact that during the shoot, there were other people at the beach, just going about their day.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone
"Don't let the bikini fool you; I still murder some bitches in this thing."

Imagine waking up from a nice nap and seeing this dead-eyed beast looking down at you.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
Rolling Stone

And then he passes out from heat exhaustion and Darth Vader has to drag him under an umbrella. You'd think a shark ate you in your sleep and you were in some weird purgatory.

Arnold And The Predator Justify A Lot Of Weird Fanfiction

You know the plot of Predator, right? Arnold Schwarzenegger leads a team of elite soldiers into the jungle, a mysterious and brutal alien starts picking them off one by one, Arnold manages to turn the tables, and they're so impressed with each other's tactical prowess that they fall deeply in love.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
"Get to the choppa ... of my heart!"

What, that's not the story you remember? Then why, in the span of a few photos, do Arnold and the Predator evolve from doing a bromantic spring break pub crawl ...

20th Century Fox
"If it pours, we can drink it."

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
"We don’t have time to sleep! South Padre Island 1987!"

... to lovingly gazing into each other's eyes?

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
"Allow me to take off my helmet and roar, a sign of romance in my culture."

Like many strong couples, they were great friends right up until they both realized how much more they wanted. Sadly, this love story between two sexual tyrannosauruses has a third wheel, as the Predator also has eyes for a human skeleton.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
And Arnold of course carries a torch for Danny DeVito.

Look at what a tender lover the Predator is. He's sensitive and devoted, even when you're not looking your best. Can't you picture the two of them cuddled up on the couch, watching 27 Dresses on a quiet, rainy night? But wait, where's that music coming from? Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer?! Is that you standing outside the Predator's house with a boombox?!

Jones The Cat Got His Own Photo Shoot

Serious fans of Alien know that the Nostromo had two survivors. There was Ripley, of course, but there was also her cat, Jones. And Jones' survival was inexplicably immortalized in a photo shoot promoting Aliens, the sequel he was barely in.

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
"Thanks for wasting the extremely expensive suspended animation resources on your cat!"

The photos are undeniably adorable, and Sigourney Weaver seems to be enjoying herself, even if Jones couldn't care less. But just what the hell was this shoot for? The special science fiction edition of Cat Fancy? Jones only lasts one photo before he loses interest and the shoot devolves into what look likes novelty grad photos. Congrats on finishing high school, Sigourney! Stay in touch!

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox

5 Hilarious Photos From Your Fave Movies (You've Never Seen)
20th Century Fox
Voted most likely to survive wholesale slaughter by terrifying monsters.

Mark is on Twitter and has a book.

Man, you could take less awkward photos with a Polaroid camera.

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For more, check out 6 Hilariously Awkward Old Photos Of Famous People and 14 Photographs That Shatter Your Image Of Famous People.

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