Top Picks 07.14.10: Depressing Kids' Shows and One-Look Celebs

Some of the best stuff from around the web and the Mirth Canal.
07.14.2010Children's Cartoons Are Depressing:
These celebrities only have one look. And they can't turn left:
Hunter S. Thompson Gets Confronted By An Irate Hell's Angel On A Talk Show:
The 20 Worst Anti-Drug Ads:
FarmVille is some serious shit:
New game: Wine Pong:
14 Obvious Inventions You Could Have Easily Thought Of:
The 10 Best Celebrity Booties:
5 Athletes That Could Quit Their Day Job:
The 50 Hottest Wags of All Time:
Apparently your superstitious habits maybe working:
Woman Gets Conned Out of $90,000 on
Superman goes to jail:
7 Characters That Screwed People Over Like LeBron James Did Cleveland:
Top 10 Quotes About Men That Every Man Should Live By:
Facebook reunites mother and son... sexually:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A list of every red light district on Earth. You know, just in case.
Submitted by MagicBra in the Mirth Canal.
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Top 10 Female Assassins:
The Creepiest Fan Art of All Time:
Mel Gibson goes on another racist tirade:
20 Sports Teams That Should Be Banned:
36 hilarious captioned photos:
Internet Sex Moves: Volume #2:
George Lucas Wields Cease and Desist Orders Like a Jedi Does a Lightsaber:
These folks may have more money than you, but at least you can figure out which ones you're taller than:
6 Career-Killing Movies:
Crazy religious guy hates everyone on Earth:
It's almost like a real-life Free Willy:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Something about a salad and some words. We have no idea what's going here.
Submitted by Nameless 13 in the Mirth Canal.
Movie Studios Are Embarrassed by Mel Gibson:
Here are some awesome GIFs to get your weekend started right:
The Funniest Construction Fails Of All Time:
Japanese fish playing soccer more entertaining than the World Cup:
Top 20 Celebrity Sports Fans:
John Cleese on Soccer versus Football:
5 Most Despicable Henchmen:
Reason #1 cats are evil: They will eat your dead body:
Meanwhile at the ice cream parlor...:
Whoa, Jesus Christ (is on the cover of Playboy):
10 Most Invasive Surgeries on
The 9 Dumbest Cops Caught on Tape:
Kobayashi pulled a Kanye:
Two girls, one World Cup:
You done these people wrong LeBron:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A list of recurring actors in Friedberg/Seltzer flicks.
Submitted by Mister Fahrenheit in the Mirth Canal.
13 people who took their love of Internet memes one step too far:
A Video Collection of the Incomparable Andy Serkis:
10 Real Life Hunters More Lethal Than the Predator:
The Most Annoying Couple on Facebook:
Never let the pothead out of the stockroom:
5 Ways to Lose a Girl in 5 Minutes:
Sex tips from Olivia Munn:
The 50 Hottest Fans at the World Cup:
Apparently the Chinese are getting fatter:
The 25 Most Attractive Female Celebrity Free Agents:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: There is such thing as an official rap hype man.
Submitted by Mister Fahrenheit in the Mirth Canal.
7 Computer Features We Wish We Had in Real Life:
Just another day in Japan:
Call of Poverty: Cardboard Warfare II:
YouTube Hero Toiletdude7 Reviews Over 200 Different Commodes:
Street Fighter's Ken has a couple issues with his travel itinerary:
10 Best Cliffhangers on
The Movie Maven is on the hunt for Predators:
13 Retro Products That Failed To Catch On:
The 20 Best Viral Sports Videos on the Internet:
U-S-A! U-S-A!:
Cali Strip Clubs Barred From Cashing Welfare Checks:
What the ladies don't want to see you wearing:
25 Photos That Prove America Still Rules:
Meet the girls of the Israeli shores:
Ever wonder what menstruating feels like? Now you can experience it also:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Don't know what a body bag is? This is for all none of you.
Submitted by Palorbaer in the Mirth Canal.