
Ghosts: we believe in ghosts, you believe in ghosts, Kesha podcasts about ghosts, the Supreme Court believes in ghosts. Blah blah blah, boo boo, spooky scary, what new can be said about ghosts? Well, turns out there are Christmas ghosts, and you can scam them. Didn't expect Christmas ghosts, huh? What about something else that sounds like it was only made up for movies, some ridiculous presence only a 90s rom-com would try, like ghosts solving their own murders? Oh yeah, that happens all the time. Or at least six times. Speaking of movies, we also have a handy guide on how to write a ghost movie

So see? Plenty to say about ghosts, and more below! And trust us, we know our stuff. We've had hardened ghost hunters on staff before. 

The 6 Most Eerily Convincing Ghost Videos on YouTube

The 6 Most Eerily Convincing Ghost Videos on YouTube

Science has found zero empirical evidence for the existence of ghosts, aliens, demons or any other supernatural creature and these videos will surely not fool an expert in video fakery. Unless he or she watches them alone, late at night, in the dark. Then they become very convincing.

Comments 2014

The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Modern Ghost Towns

Man's vision constantly exceeds his reach. It is our curse to dream bigger than our meager hands can build. So for every Hoover Dam or Empire State Building that gets built, there are 10 projects that were simply too unfeasible to see to completion. And for each of those 10, there are 10 MORE that seemed too unfeasible, but someone decided that tha

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