How Bizarre (Or Great) Will The 2020 Election Be?

Hey there folks! This is Alex Schmidt with some exciting news: we're going to start cross-posting The Cracked Podcast's new episodes to the Cracked YouTube channel, beginning with this episode. I think that's exciting! And by the way, do you listen to the show through Apple Podcasts or Stitcher or Spotify or any other traditional podcast player? Cool! Nothing changes for you. The podcast will keep broadcasting everywhere it already broadcasts, and additionally there will be a YouTube post for each new episode. This isn't that thing where Joe Rogan's show is becoming a Spotify exclusive; this is almost exactly the opposite of that. Same show, one more platform.
On this week's episode, Alex Schmidt is joined by Sarah Pappalardo (Reductress) and Dave Weigel (The Washington Post) for a look ahead at an election that's practically happening tomorrow. Could one party take both houses of Congress? How is the Presidential race shaping up? And will American voters have to jack up their pandemic risk just to plunk down a ballot?
The Trailer Newsletter/Washington Post
How To Vote By Mail/Lifehacker
As Covid-19 cases rise in 17 states, Americans still divided on whether masks should be mandated/CNN
America's Patchwork Pandemic Is Fraying Even Further/The Atlantic
The Trailer: The mail voting debate gets more confounding/Washington Post
The Trump tweet so mendacious, Twitter implemented its first-ever fact check
Pre-Coronavirus state laws on voting by mail/FiveThirtyEight
As Trump Rails Against Voting by Mail, States Open the Door for It/The New York Times
Records show Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 12 times in 12 years/CBS
How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America/Smithsonian
It's Official: New York's Presidential Primary Is Happening/Gothamist
Federal Judge Overrules GOP Poll Tax for Ex-Felons in Florida/New York Magazine
Who Votes By Mail/Brennan Center
The Trailer: Challenging Democratic incumbents has gotten even tougher/Washington Post
Why the Uncle Joe-Can't-Internet Criticism Is Mostly Malarkey/Vanity Fair
Are Older Voters Turning Away From Trump? /FiveThirtyEight
Americans are not rallying around Donald Trump during the pandemic/The Economist
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization/Gallup
Trump and Kushner Engage in Revisionist History in Boasting of Success Over Virus/The New York Times
Life at the Trump Tailgate: Spiked Slurpees, Culture Wars and the Coronavirus Hoax/Politico
2020 Senate Election Interactive Map/270ToWin
What To Make Of Those New Senate Polls That Have Democrats Way Ahead /FiveThirtyEight
Republican Mike Garcia wins California special election and flips House seat/CBS
Democrats won House popular vote by largest midterm margin since Watergate/NBC
Congress Generic Ballot Polls/FiveThirtyEight
As Trump rages, state officials quietly press forward with vote by mail/NBC