15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)

You either die a lead, or live long enough to become an extra.
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)

Fame is a cruel and unreliable mistress. One day, you're the most recognized person on the planet, and the next, you're basically unknown. It's unavoidable. Some people are extremely well-known today and basically vanish tomorrow. Whenever you fade into obscurity, it really doesn't matter how talented you are, what you've accomplished, or how far you've progressed in your profession.

It can occur after a failed relationship or marriage, a poor movie, way too much time off screen, or even cosmetic procedures that drastically alter your appearance; and all these celebs are all too familiar with the experience. They've come to an end, leaving the rest of us to wonder what happened to them now that they've sunk so far into obscurity after their appearance.

At any time, an Urkel-type may swoop in and render you obsolete, or you could be assigned a fictitious drug issue and relegated to the sidelines, or you could be dispatched to film your own tragic pilot.

Let's raise a glass to these former leads who were reduced to extras:

15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
15 Characters Who Faded Into Obscurity (First Episode And Last Episode)
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