20 Surprising Original Uses For Modern Products

Sometimes accidents lead to incredibly useful inventions.
20 Surprising Original Uses For Modern Products

Things just don't always turn out the way you thought they might. A dim view of that is Junior Kimbrough's classic album, “Most Things Haven't Worked Out,” but another, sunny-side way to look at it is that often things change for the better. People that create things are obviously aiming for a certain outcome, but they'll tell you: it certainly doesn't always turn out the way they planned.

And that's just fine - it's all about taking the process from beginning to end and learning along the way. You cannot be wedded to a certain outcome. That kind of inflexibility is going to ultimately drive you nuts when something doesn’t follow the intended trajectory.

So yeah, party people - the process of innovation isn't always a straight line; sometimes it's more of a scribble. Here are 20 products whose intended purposes were completely different than their modern uses. Hopefully the inventors were still just as proud.

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