15 Overhyped (And Underhyped) Characters From Fav Series'

15 Overhyped (And Underhyped) Characters From Fav Series'

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Movies and show creators clearly have their favorite characters, and they give those characters a ton of airtime. The thing is, sometimes those characters are so overplayed that they wear out their welcome. Meanwhile there are much more interesting minor characters in the wings that deserve much more airtime.

For example ...

Entry by

STAR CRACKED CON WARS HAN SOLO 13-37 Overrated: Underrated: A tough guy The first feminine who secretly presenting droid we has a heart of meet, she d

Entry by EvilTodd

PULP.FICTION FILD BY DUENTIN TABANTIVO PRODUCED BY LAWRENCE BENDER Most Overrated: Vincent & Jules Incompetent Disorganized, Excitable Disrespected Cl
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