P. Chung
5 Nightmare Stories To Justify Anyone's Irrational Fears
Humans are famous for being afraid of all the wrong things. But those 'wrong things' do happen from time to time.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas, P. Chung, Jordan Breeding, Alyssa Feller
- Published
5 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Famous People
Sometimes we need to take time to bask in all the wondrously selfless things famous people do for their fellow man.
- Authors
- By P. Chung
- Published
5 Lives Saved by the Exact Right Person Randomly Showing Up
Don't tell us you wouldn't call B.S. on these if you saw them in a movie.
- Authors
- By Chris Fox, P. Chung
- Published
The 5 Craziest Ways Famous Actors Got Into Character (Pt. 2)
Here are a few actors who went all out for the part when, in all honesty, they probably could have showed up in their pajamas to read straight from the teleprompter and achieved the same results.
- Authors
- By P. Chung
- Published
6 Actors Who Thought They Had Made a Totally Different Movie
When all you have is a big green wall behind, sometimes you just don't know what kind of movie you're really making.
- Authors
- By P. Chung
- Published
5 Seemingly Insignificant Things That Make People Like You
According to science, if you want people to like you there are a few simple and completely nonsensical steps you can follow.
- Authors
- By P. Chung
- Published