
M. Asher Cantrell

Asher Cantrell is the pen name of Asher Cantrell because he doesn't understand how pseudonyms work.

Asher was born in Nashville, TN and received a B.A. in English/Writing from Middle Tennessee State University. He now lives near Lexington, KY with his wife and a bunch of cats.

You can contact him by e-mailing weirdshitblog@gmail.com or, if you're lucky and within about a 100 yard radius, you can try shouting his name loudly.


Buy my books!

The Book of Word Records - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1440563306/
Other Gods - https://weirdshitblog.com/other-gods/

Read more of my stuff at Mental Floss...

...and Film School Rejects...


7 Bizarre Advances in Animal Cyborg Technology

If there are two things the Internet loves, it's cute, fuzzy animals and deadly cyborgs. As awesome as those two things are on their own, though, combining them gives us something that's often more disturbing and insane than either of those could bring us on their own.

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