Kelly Stone
I like puns.
The 5 Most Incredible Things Ever Done Purely Out of Spite
Here are five things that would have never been given life if not for humanity's undying capacity to never let a thing go.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
5 'People' You Didn’t Realize Were Fictional Characters
Lots of figures from history and pop culture are the product of either some marketing campaign or just bad record keeping. Either way, centuries from now, people will probably still think that at one time these people existed.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
5 Amazing Stories of One Complaint Ruining It for Everyone
It turns out that sometimes a vocal minority can make a world of difference, even if that minority is exactly one person and his or her complaint is completely stupid.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
The 5 Most WTF Things Found While Working on an Old House
Sometimes you find some neat stuff when you're working on a home. Other times, you find find unrelenting nightmares that will pursue you to your grave.
- Authors
- By Jeff Sloan, Kelly Stone, Robert Friedrich
- Published
The 7 Most Bizarre Objects to Ever Fall from the Sky
You've probably heard the urban legend about the time it rained frogs somewhere, or seen news stories about a meteorite that crashed through a roof and landed feet away from somebody's recliner. But in the annals of baffling objects that have come raining down from the heavens, you find much weirder examples.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
8 Celebrities With Unexpected Famous Relatives
Some blood connections between celebrities aren't so easy to spot, since they exist between people you'd probably never imagine being in the same room together, let alone getting drunk and having an argument on Thanksgiving.
- Authors
- By Chris Scott, Kelly Stone
- Published
10 Christmas Decorations That Will Haunt Your Dreams
The following Christmas decorations are a testament to the fact that even psychopaths and serial killers apparently make time between pulling the legs off insects and fashioning skin suits to celebrate the holidays.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Adam Wears, Tracy V., Kelly Stone, Brittany H.
- Published