Roman Odarenko
level 80...
Doorknobs Who Took Achieving Dumb Goals Waaay Too Far
Witness the majesty of the human spirit.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko
- Published
Most Badass Things People Have Done For Their Pets
This is how you treat man's best friend.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Mike Bedard, Diego C., Roman Odarenko
- Published
6 Priceless Treasures Everybody Dismissed As Worthless Junk
Imagine the befuddled joy you'd feel after discovering something like these.
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo, E. Reid Ross, Roman Odarenko, Kigo Simons, Tee Ngin Rui
- Published
6 Huge Companies Who Scammed Their Way To The Top
It's just good(?) business.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko, Michael Battaglino, James Freeth, Casper Orens, Angel Summers
- Published
5 Times People Found Treasures In Unexpected Ways
Some treasures are just chilling out in plain sight.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko
- Published
6 Tiny Glitches That Ruined Video Games Hilariously
Sometimes a small screw-up in the code can make a game unplayable in the most unexpected of ways.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Tiago Svn, Ed Stevens, Roman Odarenko, James Freeth, Michael Duong
- Published
5 People Who Lived Out Nearly Impossible Coincidences
Sometimes you have to wonder if it's bad luck or if the universe is actually messing with people.
- Authors
- By Eamon Lahiri, Roman Odarenko, Michael Battaglino, S. Aslam
- Published
4 Mad Dumb Ways Nations Tried To Boost Military Recruitment
The military is bizarrely bad at convincing people to join them.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko
- Published
5 Shocking Laws Modern Countries Had Until A Few Years Ago
Some supposedly modern societies end up ridiculously behind the curve.
- Authors
- By Daisy Walters, Andrea Meno, Roman Odarenko
- Published
5 Of Earth's Most Terrifying Places (Where People Also Live)
If you think you've got it bad, you have no idea how bad it can get.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko
- Published
5 WTF Real Jobs That Allow You To Commit Legal Crimes
Anyone wanting to live out their John Wick fantasies should head to the Phillipines.
- Authors
- By Roman Odarenko
- Published