14 of the Funniest (and Dumbest) Running Gags in Sitcom History

Much like every marathon starts with a single step, every running gag starts with a single gag. The question is… Will they finish the race? The hilarious ones run right through the finish line and — like Forrest Gump — they just keep running. You read that in his voice, didn’t you? Michael Scott delivered his last “That’s what she said” in The Office finale on May 16, 2013. All these years later, we’re still on our knees, begging for more. Don’t worry, we won’t waste your time by adding that to the list. We know you’re all aware of “That’s what she said.” Uncontacted tribesmen in the Amazon are aware of “That’s what she said.”
Even eye-roll inducing running gags must have been funny at some point, or no one would have thought to make more. So what happened? It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it stumbled, or even veered off the path into full blown annoyance. All we know is that at some point in time, we had enough, and sadly had no way of helping their sitcoms get it back on track. In the name of balance, here are 7 of the funniest and 7 of the dumbest running gags in sitcom history.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s running gag hands us the baton.

“Bazinga” sounds like a made-up sitcom’s catchphrase to mock sitcom catchphrases.

One of the best sitcom friendships of all time.


The Fresh Prince got a lot of use out of that one shot.

We get it Cox, you don’t like women.

Ann Veal

Like the knee injury itself, one time was enough.

Class warfare at its finest.

Wait a minute… What if he was trying to tell us the whole time!

Oh, just one of your chair-moisteners from Sector 7-G.

The last paintball episodes felt like the 4th and 5th installment of a movie franchise.

The best devolution in TV history.

Here’s lookin’ at you, writers.