The 15 Most Perverted Works of Classical Art

Some might say it’s love or duty or even art, but what really unites humanity across time and space is that we’re all nasty little freaks. From the time the first caveman recognized that little tingle under his loincloth when his favorite cavelady bent over to hoist up that wildebeest carcass, the urge to scratch that itch has driven pretty much all of our behavior, which is why we’re such a successful species. Suck it, pandas.
So naturally, when we decided those cave walls could use a little flair, one of the first things we did was draw a bunch of dicks all over it. That shout into the cock void has echoed throughout history right up through to today, when outright waving your hog around can be considered art if you do it pretentiously enough. What a beautiful world we’ve made. So continue reading below for more nasty art, but make sure your mom isn't in the room first.

Seems Worth a Shot

Beware of Man

Beware of Mule

Clearly a Hostel Situation

They’re People, Too

The Humping Tree

Open Wide

The Porn Church

E.T. Phone Us

Only the Best

It’s What He Would Have Wanted

Maybe That’s Why It Exploded

The First Fear

Caves in Caves