15 Bizarre Facts About James Blunt, Elf, And The Black Death's Silver Lining

Humans are not top of the food chain, not even close.
15 Bizarre Facts About James Blunt, Elf, And The Black Death's Silver Lining

We all know the platypus is weird, but did you know they're one of few mammals that lay eggs? And not only are they weirder than most animals, their venom is also some of the most dangerous out there. With 80 different toxins, it's no wonder this animal is considered to be such a threat. Switching for a moment to history, burning at the stake may seem like something from medieval times, but it's actually been around for much longer than that. This method of execution has roots in ancient Babylonia and Israel and was used well into more recent years. Bags of gunpowder were sometimes tied around victims' necks in an attempt to shorten their suffering before setting them ablaze. And back in the present, in 2008, an auto parts manufacturer had to recall 37 million vehicles due to faulty airbags prone to exploding and shooting shrapnel-like material at drivers and passengers alike. Thankfully, they have since fixed the problem so you can drive without worry… for now. 

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