The Man Who Made Postage Stamps Of His Face For Years And More Now-You-Know Info

Animals, chemicals and the CIA – just some of the topics on our list of facts today! First up, did you know that a furry convention was hit with a chemical attack in 2014? In fact, chlorine gas was released in a hotel hosting the Midwest FurFest convention. The source of the chlorine is still unknown and no arrests have been made, making this one unsolved mystery. Next fact: America doesn’t have buffalo! There is no such thing as a North American buffalo – they’re actually bison. Buffalo are more similar to long-horned cattle, like water buffalo in Africa. So next time you see something called “Buffalo wings” at your local bar, you can make everybody around you feel awkward by insistently calling the “bison wings!” Last but not least: Area 51 became declassified in 2013 when the CIA officially recognized it for the first time ever by responding to archivist Jeffrey Richelson's FOIA request. Up until then, Area 51 had been shrouded in secrecy regarding its aerial reconnaissance programs. Now we can all rest easy knowing what really goes on out there … or can we?

Alfred Hitchcock

Greece went through 23 changes in government between ‘24 and ‘35.

There are time capsules in space that will crash on Earth in 8 million years.

A man made his own stamps for years without being caught.

The LA Olympics were so profitable that they funded youth sports for decades.

A pregnant woman was in so much pain she performed a C-section on herself.

The sharpest object created is a tungsten needle.

Poland holds almost half of the top cases of blood alcohol levels about 1%.

A high school basketball player was so dominant that the opposing coach forfeited.


King George III

Area 51 became declassified in 2013.

America doesn’t have buffalo, it has bison.

A furry convention was hit with a chemical attack in 2014.