40 Mega-Dumb Things Our Idiot Kid Brains Misunderstood About the World

There should be a place where they teach kids how the world works...
40 Mega-Dumb Things Our Idiot Kid Brains Misunderstood About the World

When I was a kid, I remember my dad driving, and before he would make a turn, a little green arrow indicating left or right would appear on the dashboard with an accompanying clicking sound. What I couldnt figure out, for the life of me, was how the car knew which way we needed to go next. Of course, actual GPS technology that does do exactly that would become commonplace in cars within my lifetime. But to be honest, I still don't entirely understand how it works. Something with satellites? 

My point is, kids are dumb. Really dumb. Its not their fault, they have basically no context for how the world around them works, which means that the simple things that we take for granted, theyre left to fill in the gaps with their unrestrained imaginations. I have to remember to ask my kid how they think a GPS works — it might end up making more sense than my answer. 

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