19 of The Weirdest, Worst Villains in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Cartoons

We mean weird in the wrong way, of course.
19 of The Weirdest, Worst Villains in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Cartoons

When you are watching a cartoon titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you should expect some really weird stuff to be going on. After all, the premise itself is so ridiculous that even the creators didn’t imagine it growing into such a widespread intellectual property that it would be going fairly strong for 35 years and counting. With that in mind, you have to just pile on the weird.

Sometimes going weird pays off in the form of an alien brain that lives in the stomach of a robot body, or a skateboarding gecko, a heroic man ray, or whatever the hell Mutagen Man is supposed to be. Then again, some weirdness falls flat, feels cheap or lazy, or is just plain bad. They can’t all be winners.

With that in mind, here are some of the weirdest and worst villains that the Heroes in a Half Shell have tackled throughout all of their various cartoons series.

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