15 Bizarre Food and Restaurant Facts

The U.S. Government once banned bakery-sliced bread.
15 Bizarre Food and Restaurant Facts

The story of how one courageous adventurer braved the dangers of an underground labyrinth in pursuit of a long-forgotten legend is not only a fascinating tale of courage, but also a great adventure.

It is my great pleasure to tell you about the brave deeds of a brave woman. I am writing this letter from a tavern on the outskirts of town where I'm currently working as a bartender and have nothing better to do than to write stories. I hope that someday, somewhere out there, a publisher or an editor will see this story and give me fame and fortune so that I might buy myself an ale.

My name is J.P., by the way. I live in a small village in the Kingdom of Gauron, located far north of the Kingdom of Lothion.

Before I begin my tale, let me offer some light trivia to entertain you. Here is a list of fifteen facts you may enjoy:

PepsiCo Made a Hyper-Caffeinated Drink Called Pepsi A.M.

In 1989, PepsiCo offered a breakfast beverage called Pepsi A.M. PEPSI DIE WELK DER PEPSI RIXIUS Areco - - Tel 1523 CRACKED.COM The caffeine content was 25% more than a cup of coffee. Turns out, Pepsi drinkers didn't want to mix soda with breakfast.

Mental Floss

Ham and Cheese Sandwiches Were Once the Only Baseball Concession.

In 1894, baseball fans at an early Yankee stadium only ate ham and cheese sandwiches. CRACKED.COM Soon after, pea- nuts - once re- served for the cir- cus - and hot dogs took over.

NY Times

Lettuce Was the First Food Grown and Eaten in Space.In 2014, a crew member of Expedition 39 began creating romaine lettuce using microgravity and LED lights.

In 2014, a crew member of Expedition 39 began creating romaine lettuce using microgravity and LED lights. CRACKED COM It was later harvested and eaten by members of Expedition 44.


The French Fry Might Have Originated in Belgium.

Both Belgium and France stake a claim to the fry. CRACKED.COM Belgian lore says when a river froze over in the 17th Century, they fried pota- toes instead of fish. The French claim fried pota- toes were served by push- cart vendors the following century.


Ancient Romans Had Food Eateries.

Ancient Romans had food eateries called Thermopolium. CRACKED.COM Archaeologists in De- cember 2020 un- earthed an entire food stall that had been preserved for 2,000 years in Pompeii.


Velveteeta Came From Broken Cheese Wheels.In 1923, a Swiss man named Emil Frey took broken cheese wheels and combined them with whey for a velvety cheese-like food.

In 1923, a Swiss man named Emil Frey took broken cheese wheels and combined them with whey for a velvety cheese-like food. CRACKED.COM When Kraft pur- chased Velveeta in 1927, they attempt- ed to create a healthier cheese.

Smithsonian Magazine

Chef Boyardee Made Army Rations.

Chef Boyardee Made Army Rations. INSPECTED AND PASSED EASY OPEN DEPARTMENT AGRICULTUR TOP Chef BOYARDEE BEEF GRACKED.COM During WWII, the US Mili- tary contracted Chef Во- yardee to supply Army ra- tions. The company's fac- tory went from supermar- ket production to working 24 hours a day in wartime.


Oreo “Creme” Has No Cream In It.

The cream-like middle of an Oreo can only be called creme because the treat has no dairy ingredients. CRACKED.COM The FDA will not al- low the word cream to be used, therefore Oreo uses creme as an alternate spell- ing.

Yahoo News

Founders of Outback Steakhouse never visited Australia.

Outback Steakhouse opened in 1988, but the founders had never visited Australia. OUTBACK. STEAKHOUSE Let Go this Wednesday ASSOCIATION with our Mixed Grills END CRACKED.COM After the film Croco- dile Dundee pre- miered, founders ran with the idea of American food and Australian fun.

Mental Floss

Bakery-sliced bread was once banned by the U.S. government.

In 1943, the U.S. government banned bakery-sliced bread for two months. GRACKED.COM Sliced bread re- quired more pack- aging, but the gov- ernment found costs were not as high as they feared.

New York Times

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