14 Ways the MCU's Phase Four is About Doubles

Double articles for double the pleasure… and because MCU’s Phase Four is all about legacy and doubles, and doesn’t seem to quite understand what the difference is between someone who shares your face and someone who shares your title. Moon Knights and Hawkeyes and Variants… they’re… the same? Or different. It’s one of the two. They’ll get there someday. Maybe. Probably. Listen, they still gotta make the Fantastic Four and X-Men fit in, and somehow bring Tony Stark back to form the real Illuminati so nerds don’t cry and poop themselves and piss while whining endlessly about how we were all robbed because of goddamn Disney or Sony or whatever, while drinking urine-stained bleached bottles of dry rub alcohol mixed with the cheapest grenadine and rum that could be shoplifted from the nearby liquor store and now they have your face up there, and apparently Doctor Strange doesn’t even have Shuma-Gorath in it? What’s the point?

What If

Kang the Conqueror


Ms. Marvel


Moon Knight


The Young Avengers

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


The Marvels

