15 Facts About Comic Book Movies (That Don't Have Superheroes in Them)

No tights, fights, or magic stones here.
15 Facts About Comic Book Movies (That Don't Have Superheroes in Them)

Comic book movies are some of the most popular and profitable movies of all time, but not all comic book movies involve tights and fights. Comics aren't all just kapow-bang-kabloom -- and they aren't all dark deconstructions of it, or dour horror stories. There are a lot of comics about a lot of weird things, and about half of them get adapted into movies because what are you going to do, write an original story? No, thank you. There are so many comics out there, we’ll adapt them all first.

Comics are a weird playground for freaks, and some of that material ends up being excellent movie fodder -- like, "What if you were super depressed and a girl, or, "What if you were old, and had a gun?" These are the types of stories you can only tell in comics. 

So here are some facts about some of the most interesting comic book movies that aren't interested in tights, fights, or magic stones. Honorable mention goes to Trese, Happy!, and all of those AMC shows, despite the fact that they're all basically superhero shows anyway.

A History of Violence

comic Book Movies A History of violence William Hurt was nominated for an Oscar with less than ten minutes of screen time. CRACKED.COM

Source: /Film

The Addams Family

comic Book Movies The Addams Family Snap, snap. That's not an Addams Family reference, that's just a slow clap for the fashion of the film. One big change? Fester's original makeup was wildly different. CRACKED.COM

Source: YouTube


comic Book Movies Popeye This was Robin Williams' first film role after getting a boost in popularity from Mork and Mindy. Не would later go on to despise the film-which hey, fair. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb


comic Book Movies Timecop The movie had a short-lived (seven episodes!) television series. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb


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