15 Feel Good Stories That Feel Like A Warm Blanket
How do you feel? Like right now? Good? Bad? It’d be a real shame if you felt bad. We want you to feel good. Everyone should feel good! About themselves, about their life, about the world around them – that’s the whole shebang, isn’t it? So, in the interest of feeling good, here’s some stories that seem designed to make us lowly people feel good. Dogs beating avalanches? That seems like it’d make us feel good. The wild giraffe population going up again? Yeah, we like the sound of that. Cases of lead poisoning going down all the way to zero? That sounds great! Wow, all that really does feel good. But… oh no, the good feeling has passed? It was so fleeting, so ephemeral… how do we get it back? The answer is easy and obvious – read on! There’s more on this list to keep the good feelings coming all day!