15 Facts We Never Knew We Didn’t Know

There’s a lot of interesting things we humans have made using the most disgusting, vile, and rank substances found in animal byproducts. Whale vomit is made into perfume, bacteria colonies make kombucha, and sea snail goo is turned into a brilliant purple dye fit for royalty.
What’s weirder than the positive properties of the viscous fluid of a certain gastropod, is the fact that at some point an ancient person took the slimy son-of-a-gun, squeezed the mucous glands, and then kept the slug-syrup in the off chance it would prove useful (probably to be sold as a homeopathic remedy to cure haunted bones). Luckily, such early-civilization psychopaths existed so we don’t have to run a bunch of meaningless mollusc research, and reap the benefits in our purple clothes drinking kombucha and smelling great.
We promise if you continue reading, you’ll learn about more than just Gak wrung from bottom-feeders - but be warned, it’s there.
Michael Bay’s highest rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes sits at 68%.

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

Source: LA TImes
MLK urged ‘Uhura’ actress to stay on Star Trek.

Source: NPR
There are a lot of disfigurements happening in meatpacking plants.

Source: The Guardian
The Mob

Source: This American Life
People actually like you more than you think.

Source: "The Liking Gap in Conversations: Do People Like Us More Than We Think?"
There are more Spanish speakers in the US than in Spain.

Source: The Guardian
Gretzky wasn’t just good, he was the goodest.

Source: The Hockey News
Selling children was legal until a little under a decade ago.

Source: Jackson Free Press

Source: The Week
Zombie Fungus

Source: The Atlantic
Ethiopia uses a different calendar.

Source: BBC
A swarm of locusts thousands of miles long blocked out the sun for days.

Source: High Country News
Smelly snail slime made some good dye.

Source: BBC
You could trade in 10 friends for a free burger.

Source: CNET