13 Scientific Findings About Death And Dying

When it comes to the Great Unknown, what do scientists know?
13 Scientific Findings About Death And Dying

Call us morbid, but death is inevitable so we want to read up on as much as we can before it eventually comes for us. 

Humans are biased towards believing they are eternal

Humans are biased towards believing they are eternal Researchers asked children from different cultures about prelife, the time before they were born.. Children gave similar answers of a belief in eternal life, regardless of different cultural beliefs. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily

Rigor mortis only lasts for a few days

Rigor mortis only lasts for a few days The stiffening of the muscles occurs between 2 to 6 hours after death, but only lasts between 24 to 84 hours, when the muscles will relax again. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDirect

Being disgusted by the smell of death is important to survival

Being disgusted by the smell of death is important to survival The chemical putrescine (created when fatty acids break down) helps to create that foul odor, which encourages animals (including humans) to avoid or leave the area. This response is 420 million years old. CRACKED.COM

Source: Frontiers

Hair and nails don't grow after death

Hair and nails don't grow after death Our skin and nail beds actually dry out and retract, making the hair and nails appear longer. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

There are 350 corpses stored in liquid nitrogen

There are 350 corpses stored in liquid nitrogen There are 300 cryogenically frozen individuals in the US, in the hope that one-day science will be able to revive them, but neuroscientists don't believe liquid nitrogen can preserve the complex brain. CRACKED.COM

Source: The Guardian

It's a mystery why reduced oxygen makes us feel less pain rather than increased anxiety

It's a mystery why reduced oxygen makes us feel less pain rather than increased anxiety In near-death experiences, our brains continue to operate to create a positive and blissful experience as opposed to a panic-inducing one. CRACKED.COM

Source: Scientific American

People can actually be "scared to death"

People can actually be scared to death Being scared to death isn't just a saying... there's an actual link between extreme psychological stress and fatal heart attacks. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily

Sorry, we can't cheat death or aging

Sorry, we can't cheat death or aging Population biology suggests every species has a relatively fixed rate of aging. The historic increase of lifespan average is mostly due to reducing death among infants and children. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily

Thinking about death leads to positive changes

Thinking about death leads to positive changes Scientific studies suggest that thinking about death helps us reprioritize our goals and values and improve physical health, even non-consciously. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily

Some brain cells increase activity after death

Some cells in the brain increase activity after death Researchers analyzed fresh brain tissue, discovering that cells whose job is to 'clean up after brain injuries' grow after death. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDirect

Life may actually flash before our eyes

Life may actually flash before our eyes A new study showed that in the 30 seconds before death, brainwaves followed the same patterns as dreaming or remembering. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC


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