14 Facts About Valentines Day That We Just Love

Turns out the guy who beheaded 2 of his wives loves love.
14 Facts About Valentines Day That We Just Love

Turns out the guy who beheaded 2 of his wives loves love.

No one knows who Saint Valentine was. The leading theory is that he was a priest who secretly married Roman soldiers who were banned from marrying while in the service. GRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Juliet, from Romeo & Juliet, receives thousands of Valentines each year. The letters are sent to the city of Verona, where volunteers read and respond to each letter before awarding the Cara Giulietta (Dear Juliet) prize to whoever penned the most romantic letter. GRACKED.COM
The holiday became official in 496 AD. The pope made it official to try to expel the celebration of the raunchy dead animal spanking holiday. GRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Valentine's Day started with the Romans. Some believe the holiday spun off of feast of Lupercalia, a festival where men spanked women with dead animal hides to increase their fertility. GRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

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