13 Facts To Make Our Conversations Flow That Much Smoother

Trivia always helps fill any awkward gaps.
13 Facts To Make Our Conversations Flow That Much Smoother

Do you know how some people just seem to always have something interesting to say? They're probably not actually that fascinating; they just know how to work a conversation. Here are some facts you can throw into the next lull in dialogue to make things flow much smoother. Butterflies taste with their feet. There are more steps on the Empire State Building than there are bones in the human body. A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it's born. These kinds of trivia nuggets act like social WD-40, getting the gears of communication grinding again in no time. So next time you find yourself struggling to keep a conversation going, try busting out a fact or two and see where it takes you. Chances are, you'll be glad you did.

Random facts are, quite simply, facts that are random. They can be about anything, from history to science to pop culture. And they can be either amazing or totally mundane. For example, did you know that tennis orbs are not actually made of rubber? They’re actually made of felt! Or that the state of Texas is bigger than the whole country of France? Crazy, right?

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