15 Way Different Early Drafts Of Beloved Sitcoms

Truly, the creative process is inscrutable.
15 Way Different Early Drafts Of Beloved Sitcoms

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Sometimes, early versions of beloved sitcoms are totally different from what ends up on the screen. Here are 15 examples of that:

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

COMEDY NERD The gang from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia were going to be actors. RUP gas The reason that got changed is that lots of TV shows about actors were popular at the time (Entourage, for example), so the setting changed to a bar. CRACKED.COM


Parks and Recreation

COMEDY NERD Parks and Recreation was actually just going to be a The Office spin-off. That was Greg Daniels and Mike Schur's initial idea, but they soon ditched it and made Parks and Rec its own thing. CRACKED.COM


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