12 Random Facts That Keep Us Up At Night

Ignorance is bliss. It can protect us from the truth. It can protect us from despair. It can protect us from the impending sense of doom that takes our thoughts away from puppies, ice cream, love, and all other great joys that being alive can bring.
Knowledge of the world brings wisdom, but at what cost? Knowing all things means knowing awful things. Knowledge brings harsh truths. Knowledge brings pain. Knowledge brings hell.
But we can't escape knowledge, we have to face facts. In fact, you should face these facts. Sure, they may not make you happy, but they'll least make you smart. They'll at least keep you entertained. They'll at least give you something interesting to talk about to that one rep in HR with the nice hair that you like. Sure, you'd be playing with fire trying to date in the workplace but, hey, you only live once and were going to quit anyway.
So here's some facts: