Tell Us Now: 18 Nightmare-Inducing Childhood Shows

The 80s were a dark time in children's television.
Tell Us Now: 18 Nightmare-Inducing Childhood Shows

Did you know the animated version of Beetlejuice is inspired by Tim Burton's film of the same name? The sitcom recounts the antics of the ghost and charming Beetlejuice, with Lydia reimagined as his partner in crime.

Everyone has fond memories of Sunday morning cartoons, Nickelodeon shows  and staying up late to watch forbidden shows. Wonderful T.V. was a part of our childhood. However, some of the most popular shows have stayed with audiences even though they were unexpectedly frightening. For better or worse, many kid's shows didn't recognize the difference between thrilling adventure and terrifying horror. Some performances were even created to scare children's trousers off. These are all the scariest children's cartoons of all time, in order of scariness.

We swiftly discovered that almost everyone has a deep-seated aversion to puppets. Thanks, uncanny valley! Here are 18 children's shows that address all of your concerns. Read on to get nostalgically creeped out!

TELL US NOW. THE ADVENTURES OF TIMMY THE TOOTH Richard C. says, I was absolutely terrified of Timmy the Tooth or as I called him Timmy da Toot. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THUNDERBIRDS Cathy B. says, The whole thing made my skin crawl. Puppets, story lines, voice overs, atmosphere... *shudders* I still can't watch it to this day. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE TELETUBBIES Sarah W. tells US, The Teletubbies have always creeped me out! And, of course, it's my daughter's favorite! CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. ROSIE & JIM David P. tells US, I watched Chucky as a kid, dolls coming to life when nobody was looking? No thanks. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON TELEVISION BARTH William J. shares a fear of All the adults on You Can't Do That On Television. Those kids were dangerously surrounded by randomness and anarchy disguised as comedy. Surprised I don't have trust issues with food. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. JIGSAW David S. explains, In the UK in the early 80s, any time you turned on the tellie you risked becoming prey to the demon known as Mr. Noseybonk... CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. H.R. PUFNSTUF Kenneth S. tells US, H.R. Pufnstuf was terrifying. I think the first truly vivid nightmare I had featured Witchiepoo. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. TODAY'S SPECIAL Brendan S. says, It was on PBS when I was like three. It had a mannequin who came to life when his hat was on. The first time he took his hat off and turned into a mannequin I had a full blown meltdown in terror. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE GREAT SPACE COASTER John v. says, The elephant from The Great Space Coaster always freaked me out. He still kinda does. I'm sure the handle on his trunk had something to do with it. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. ROMPER ROOM Doug D. tells US, I USED to hide behind a chair to avoid being 'seen' by the Romper Room lady when she broke out that psychedelic magic mirror near the end of her show. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. PEE-WEE'S PLAYHOUSE Catherine B. tells US, I mean Chairry could have eaten you. It's mouth was the seat cushion. Mrs. Steve!!! Need I say more? CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE MUPPET SHOW Michael K. tells US, I loved The Muppet Show, but I always hoped this guy wouldn't make an appearance. I even had nightmares. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. LAND OF THE LOST Michael R. says, Everyone remembers getting scared of the Sleestack, but there was this character called The Zarn that basically someone in a black head-to-toe body sock with lights around its edge that scared the crap out of me as a kid because it would just show up in the dark and start dancing. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. GUMBY Johan I. wonders, What was he supposed to be anyway?? CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE DOODLEBOPS Jean C. tells US, I was horrified the first time I saw this, and it still gives me nightmares. BTW, I was in my 30s when it came out. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. DINOSAURS Rochelle B. says, I have no idea why but this just freaked me out as a child. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG Nicole D. says, I love Courage the Cowardly Dog, but it was creepy at the same time. The episode with Freaky Fred has stuck with me the most for years. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE FLINTSTONES Laura C. says, When Fred Flinstone was locked out of the house... pretty sure that's where my anxiety stems from. CRACKED.COM
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