14 Fast Facts About Child Development (To Explain Why We're The Way We Are)

More reasons to blame your parents
14 Fast Facts About Child Development  (To Explain Why We're The Way We Are)

Look, we're not sure what the deal is. We didn't grow up directly under power lines, only ate paint chips occasionally and were only briefly involved in the whole huffing scene (Ed note: huffing is bad kids!)  Are we a little ‘off’? Hey, you know what? Maybe. At the end of the day, who isn't? Frankly, we blame the internet. 

Maybe that's why we wanted to explore these wild facts about child development. Did we figure out why we're the way we are? No. We did, however, come away with some very convenient justifications for our own shortcomings.

The fact is, children are the future. And our personal past. Child development helps to explain how we became the adults we are. 

For example, did you know that educational videos actually work? Studies have demonstrated that children as young as two years old can learn very effectively from video.

Here are 14 quick facts to consider before you mess up your own kids. 

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