Wherefore Art Thou, Plot Twist? 13 Movies You Didn’t Know Were Based on the Works of Shakespeare

OK, you probably knew about West Side Story.
Wherefore Art Thou, Plot Twist? 13 Movies You Didn’t Know Were Based on the Works of Shakespeare

Here's some advice for writers out there: if you have to steal, copy the work of long-dead authors who can no longer sue. You know, the stuff that’s in the public domain. Maybe the best option for doing so is the Bard himself. After all, Willy Shakes’ work occupies a lofty, central place in the history of storytelling, so not only will you escape the lawyers, but you’ll also get the critical acclaim too. Because what individual storyteller is more acclaimed than good ol’ Bill Shakespeare? That’s right, basically none. Some of you experts out there might have some names to throw out, but for the general reader, it is Will. That’s just his whole thing at this point – to be synonymous with quality characters and compelling plots, not to mention the dirtiest jokes thou shalt ever hear. So, without further ado, here are 13 movies that borrowed from Shakespeare’s plots for contemporary stories.


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