Honest Headlines: 15 Tweaked Titlings

Take that, journalists!
Honest Headlines: 15 Tweaked Titlings

Take that, standards of journalism!

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Millennials face challenging landscape amid Millenial living in van using Starbucks housing crunch wi-fi to read op-ed on how lazy he is By ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ yesterday By ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ yesterday DENVER (AP) Standing inside a bucket he purchased last DENVER (AP) - Standing inside a bucket he purchased last fall, Alex Eherenman bathed in his work bathroom Water fall, Alex Eherenman bathed in his work bathroom Water pooled at his feet as he splashed himself from the sink faucet. pooled at his feet as he splashed himself from

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Johnson: England to lift last virus Boris Johnson eager to shatter restrictions on July 19 stereotype that British are well-educated By PAN PYLAS and SYLVIA HUI today By PAN PYLAS and SYLVIA HUI today LONDON (AP) All remaining lockdown restrictions in LONDON (AP) All remaining lockdown restrictions in England will be lifted in week despite sharp rise in England will be lifted in week despite sharp rise in coronavirus cases, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson coronavirus cases, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed Monday. He said it was

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Free samples are back, but with safety in Time to cry tears of joy while mind eating a very tiny hot dog By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO July 8, 2021 By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO July 8,2021 Jank NEW YORK (AP) When Pat Curry spotted bite -sized NEW YORK (AP). When Pat Curry spotted bite -sized wood -fire rotisserie chicken with portabella mushroom at wood -fire rotisserie chicken with portabella mushroom at her local Costco in early June, she felt giddy. After a 14- her local Costco in early June, she felt giddy. After

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Summer camps hit with COVID outbreaks-- Summer camp nurse not getting paid schools next? for $%#& are nearly enough this By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH. K. KANTELE FRANKO and LINDSEY By HEATHER R HOLLINGSWORTH. KANTELE FRANKO and LINDSEY TANNER TANNER 26 minutes ago 26 minutes ago The U.S. has seen a string of COVID- -19 outbreaks tied to The U.S. has seen a string of COVID -19 outbreaks tied to summer camps in recent weeks in places such as Texas. summer camps in recent weeks in places such as Texas, Illinois, Florida, Missouri and Kansas, in

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Baseball team hoping they don't have NY pitcher becomes 1st known drafted any important games after sundown practicing Orthodox Jew on Friday By DENNIS WASZAK Jr. 16 minutes DENNIS WASZAK): ago By 16 minutes ago DRRET DREET Jacob Steinmetz's blazing fastball helped makehim a baseball Jacob Steinmetz's blazing fastball helped make him a baseball draft trailblazer. draft trailblazer. The New York native is believed to be the first known The New York native is believed to be the first known practicing Orthodox Jewish player to be selected by major practicing

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Cow manure methane may soon fuel cars, Driving through Arizona? Time to heat homes in Arizona roll up the windows yesterday yesterday PHOENIX (AP) new energy facility southwest of Phoenix scheduled to open in December will capture methane from cow manure and reuse the biogas as renewable natural fuel. Facility stakeholders A told The Arizonal Republic the process will capture harmful that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere and exacerbate climate change. The project is partnership between West Virginia -based renewable energy company Avolta and the Butterfield Dairy Farm in

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Cincinnati ZOO training great apes to receive Did we just get jumped in line by COVID vaccine an ape? ask third world countries July 8. 2021 July 8. 2021 CINCINNATI (AP) - Great apes, big cats and other animals are among creatures the Cincinnati zoo is prepping for the coronavirus vaccine later this summer, the zoo said Thursday. The zoo has begun training animals to accept the vaccine voluntarily, similar to training already been done with some animals for treatments such flu shots, said David Orban. the zoo's director of animal

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Tree DNA helps convict Washington timber Jury spends 7 hours googling thief after fire TREE DNA REALTHING??? July 9, 2021 July 9, 2021 TACOMA, Wash. (AP) federal jury has convicted timber thief Fwho authorities said started large forest fire in Washington state, a case that prosecutors said marked the first time tree DNA had been introduced in federal trial. The jury deliberated for about hours before convicting Justin Andrew Wilke, on Thursday of conspiracy, theft of public property, depredation of public property, and trafficking and attempted trafficking unlawfully harvested timber,

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Grief US counselors in short supply with unable to handle amount of gun living here violence rising trauma produces By CLAUDIA LAUER 47 minutes ago By CLAUDIA LAUER 47 minutes ago PHILADELPHIA (AP) - As Brett Roman Williams stood at PHILADELPHIA (AP) As Brett Roman Williams stood at the Philadelphial Medical Examiner's office staring at a photo the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's office staring at photo of his older brother's face, a familiar feeling welled in his of his older brother's face, a familiar feeling welled in chest. chest. Williams'

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Dayton proposes alternative policing for Dayton police stop providing mentally mental health calls ill with free electroshock therapy By The Associated Press today By The Associated Press today DAYTON, Ohio (AP) Dayton became the latest U.S. city to introduce plans for an alternative policing system to handle certain calls relating to people in mental health crises. 618 The western Ohio city approved $150,000 contract last TYPE week with a Washington, company, tasking them with data analysis of emergency calls made to the department, making recommendations and meeting with community stakeholders, Dayton Daily News

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Yellen: US regulators to assess risk posed Panic as gov't realizes climate by climate change change might hurt corporations By MARTIN CRUTSINGER yesterday By MARTIN CRUTSINGER yesterday WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says she will lead an effort by top U.S. regulators to assess the says she will lead an effort by top U.S. regulators to assess the potential risk that climate change poses to America's potential lirk climate change poses to America's financial system, part of a

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Billionaires probably figuring out how Billionaire Blastoff: Rich riding own rockets to leave money on the moon to avoid into space income tax By MARCIA DUNN July 8, 2021 By MARCIA DUNN July 8, 2021 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) T Two billionaires are putting CAPE CANAVERAL,Fla. (AP) - Two billionaires are putting everything on the line this month to ride their own rockets everything on the line this month to ride their own rockets into space. into space. It's intended to be flashy confidence boost for customers It's intended to be flashy confidence boost

Source: AP

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