Tell Us Now: 15 Beloved Movies You Had To Walk Out On

Have you ever had a movie hyped up to you by a friend or friendly, neighborhood pop culture website and it absolutely did not meet expectations? Or maybe it was advertised to you in a certain way by trailers or other marketing you saw and it didn’t provide what you were hoping for? We’ve all had that experience at one point or another when we’re watching a movie and we either struggle to finish it to justify paying for the ticket, or cut our losses and walk out.
We asked Cracked fans on social media which movies caused them to just “nope” out and leave the theater, and woof did we get some doozies. Sometimes y’all had some valid criticism as to why you just didn’t like a movie. Other times… Well, a bad date or a bad drug trip can ruin any cinematic experience.
Here’s some of the reasons why you left the theater during a “good” movie: