Tell Us Now: 15 Beloved Movies You Had To Walk Out On

(extremely Blair Witch voice) I'm so bored right now
Tell Us Now: 15 Beloved Movies You Had To Walk Out On

Have you ever had a movie hyped up to you by a friend or friendly, neighborhood pop culture website and it absolutely did not meet expectations? Or maybe it was advertised to you in a certain way by trailers or other marketing you saw and it didn’t provide what you were hoping for? We’ve all had that experience at one point or another when we’re watching a movie and we either struggle to finish it to justify paying for the ticket, or cut our losses and walk out.

We asked Cracked fans on social media which movies caused them to just “nope” out and leave the theater, and woof did we get some doozies. Sometimes y’all had some valid criticism as to why you just didn’t like a movie. Other times… Well, a bad date or a bad drug trip can ruin any cinematic experience.

Here’s some of the reasons why you left the theater during a “good” movie:

TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Saving Private Ryan CRACKED Mike B. picked the wrong movie to pop shrooms at: my friends and I ate some mushrooms, whose effects did not mesh well with sitting front row in a packed theater watching a hyper-realistic war movie.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Joker CRACKED Adam P. hopes his harrowing experience will inspire others to do their homework: This is on me, since I've not researched this movie at all, haven't read or seen anything about it beforehand. I was expecting a superhero flick; what I got was a psychological drama.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Fast & Furious CRACKED Brian P. needs to stop watching these particular movies with that particular friend: Every Fast and Furious movie. A friend of mine is really into it and thinks if he explains what's really happening, it'll make it a better movie. All I can do is sit back rolling my eyes and feeling sorry for the cars.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Cloverfield SOME THING HAS FOUND US GRACKED Lita V. was overcome with emotion. Sorry motion sickness: I ran to the car and sat there like a pregnant lady suffering from morning sickness while my family stayed inside to finish the movie.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Debbie Does Dallas CRACKED Jill L. was expecting something a little less... porn-y: First date with a guy I had a mini crush on. Got all dressed up. He had on a suit. We went to dinner and then to a seedy looking theatre. I was young and naive so the movie title didn't trigger any red flags. 20 minutes in, I was out of there, found a pay phone and called my Dad to come get me.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? The Blair Witch Project CRACKED Lorne J. was possessed by the iconic camera work: I couldn't handle the constant camera movement. Went to the parking lot to puke after 45 min and waited out there for my friends to finish it without me.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Trainspotting ***** 2 CRACKED Congrats, Bradley G, you found the wrongest possible movie to watch: The trailer implied fun and silly hijinks of hip young Scots, etc. For someone who is not a big fan of needles, neglect of infants NOR fever dreams of people swimming in toilets... no thanks.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Eyes Wide Shut GRACKED Matthew A. chose to go home and do the ultimate performative protest chore: 40 minutes in, I decided to leave so I could go do something more exciting. Which was to organize my sock drawer.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Galaxy Quest CRACKED Francisco L. didn't make many friends in the comment section: Only made it about halfway through. Years later I was sick in bed and decided to watch while it was on cable. At least it passed the time, but I still don't see why it's so beloved. I love good sci-fi, but Galaxy Quest is pure garbage.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? 12 Monkeys CRACKED Scott K did hate the movie, but his walkout was prompted by an act of god: About 45 minutes into the movie, the projector got stuck and we watched the film catch on fire and melt on screen. I took this as a sign and walked out of the theater.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Napoleon Dynamite CRACKED Jesse R. probably heard the entire movie quoted to them by Heder stans anyway: It wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be at the time. I still can't stand that movie.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? YE CRACKED Jo K. sat through more hours of Gigli than most Gigli fans: I worked at Blockbuster and needed to watch it for product knowledge. I attempted it 5 times, each time only getting 5 minutes longer than the last.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Moulin Rouge! CRACKED David H. isn't mad, just disappointed: it's the sort of movie I SHOULD have loved, but many of the cabaret versions of pop songs were cringe-worthy. When they got to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' I had to peace out.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? Pulp Fiction JOHN TRAPOLIA SAMPEL L JACKSON UNA THURMAN HARVEY IN ROTH AMANDA PLUNNER de NEDCIRIS DHAVER CRACKED Travis P. wasn't sure if this was a misunderstanding or a protest: an old couple just got up and left right after Honey Bunny snaps and the screen cuts to the title. Either they thought it was the end or they'd had enough swearing for the day.
TELL US NOW: WHAT MOVIE DID YOU WALK OUT ON? The Last Jedi CRACKED Jonathan L. couldn't even bring himself to call the movie by its name: That movie about Jedi where the princess suddenly becomes a force user and somehow survives the void of space... I swear friends had to restrain me so I wouldn't leave.
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