15 Random Facts to Presume That You Know Things

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15 Random Facts to Presume That You Know Things

We all know that one person who just loves to hear themselves talk. They think they know everything and love to share their random facts with anyone who will listen. While you may not be that person, you probably do know a lot of random things.

What's more precious than gold? Yes, other than the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Special Extended Edition 12-DVD Box Set. Knowledge! Knowledge is more precious than gold! And here at Cracked, we're all about knowing stuff -- or at least, some kinds of stuff. You know, not the kind of knowledge that could help you save a life, fly a plane, or develop a new kind of cell phone-Pez dispenser hybrid. No, these pearls of wisdom have more mundane utilities, like telling someone on social media they're wrong or telling your family that they're wrong. But proving people wrong isn't what knowledge is all about (yes, we were surprised to learn that too!), so we have sprinkled some variety into these facts. Now learn them.

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