15 Famous Musicians Who Quit The Scene For (Relatively) Normal Jobs

Musicians are artists who create and perform music. Music can be divided into genres such as pop, rock, jazz, and classical. Musicians typically specialize in one genre, although some artists are able to cross over into multiple genres.
Some musicians are really simple. They quit scenes for normal jobs, and they're happy with that. They don't miss the hectic touring schedule or the late nights in the studio. They're content to play music as a hobby, and they're not interested in all the fuss and bother that comes with being a professional musician. But for other musicians, the lure of the stage is simply too strong to resist. They can't imagine doing anything else with their lives, and they're willing to sacrifice everything else in pursuit of their musical dreams. These are the musicians who make up the heart and soul of the music industry, and they're the ones who keep us coming back for more. Read more about them in our new article.

Source: Fox News

Source: People

Source: BBC

Source: BBC

Source: Monochrome Watches

Source: Telegraph

Source: BBC

Source: BBC

Source: Vanilla Ice Real Estate

Source: NY Daily News

Source: NASA

Source: Denver Post

Source: Atlas Obscura

Source: Mouthman T-shirts

Source: Vogue