15 Popular Characters (That Were Yoinked From Someone Else)

Hey, let's see you try to come up with a completely new character every time.
15 Popular Characters (That Were Yoinked From Someone Else)

Creativity is a finite resource, especially when you're working on a deadline. Your boss pressures you, or you really need that paycheck, and suddenly you're changing someone else's work just enough to avoid a lawsuit. Or maybe you don't have any of those pressures, but you figure you can get away with it and go, "why the hell not." Whatever the reason, these "homages" happen more frequently than you think, especially when it comes to comic book characters. When the superhero reading public is split between two giants, it’s no wonder that each one takes from the other – after all, if the competition is making something that readers like, why wouldn’t something similar work for them? It’s the way of the colorful, pulpy business. We have shown you some cases before, and here you have a few more instances that'll leave you thinking, "wow, they really just have no shame." 

CAPTAIN AMERICA GOT HIS SHIELD FROM THE SHIELD. Cap is the most enduring of an entire flock of patriotic-themed superheroes born during World War II.

Source: CBR

THE PUNISHER WAS COPIED FROM A NOVEL SERIES. Punisher's creator Gerry Conway admits he was inspired by Don Pendleton's The Executioner book series, also about a Vietnam vet who wages war on crime after his family is killed.

Source: CBR

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