16 Wild Shenanigans At The Oscars

The Oscars are a mixed bag. Yeah, it's a lot of nonsense and altogether too long, but there's still something compelling about it. You gather that much star power in one place and people are inevitably going to watch. And the people onscreen are going to often be annoying. Is it that hard to have an acceptance speech ready? Like, how not nice is it to waste everybody's time stammering and explaining you didn't have any remarks prepared.
Well, get ready because it’s that time of year again, where the stars of Hollywood get together to clap for each other and hopefully not give an award to a Nazi. Because that totally happened once. We wish we were joking. Anyway, get your Oscars bingo cards out and read on about some of the WTF moments that have been documented over the years. We're secretly pulling for Bill Murray in ‘Stripes’. Is he up for that this year?

Elinor Burkett

Facts to Guide You

Facts to Guide You

Facts to Guide You

The Oscar Streaker

Michael Moore