16 Bonehead Off-Field Injuries Sustained By Pro Athletes

High fives and spider dreams have sidelined more pros than you probably thought.
16 Bonehead Off-Field Injuries Sustained By Pro Athletes

When you're a pro athlete, your body is your moneymaker, and you need to protect it at all costs. That means NO cowboy boots, NO Q-tips, and absolutely NO high fives!

Joe Sakic Centre, Colorado Avalanche CRACKED COM Sakic missed three months of the 2008 season after he broke three fingers in some nebulous accident involving a snowblower.

Source: NHL

Steve Sparks Pitcher, Milwaukee Brewers CRACKED Sparks was actually on the Brewers' farm team at the time, and was expected to make the jump to the big league that season. But just before the season started, inspired by a motivational speaker, he tried to rip a phone book in half

Source: MLB

Glenallen Hill Outfielder, Toronto Blue Jays Hill was napping on his couch one day in 1990, when he fell victim to that scourge of pro ballers: he had a nightmare about spiders. He freaked out, and in his frenzy, absoutely wrecked a glass coffee table.

Source: MLB

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