15 Inconceivable Facts About 'The Princess Bride'

True love is the greatest thing in the world, but The Princess Bride comes at a close second. Over three decades since its release, the film still holds up. Come on, it's the ultimate movie to watch about staying home sick from school, and the framing device is a kid staying home from school. Personally, we like the swordfighting and the Andre The Giant, but shhhhh don't tell anyone…we also like the kissy stuff.
If we were really clever, we'd rhyme this intro. But we could never, our brains are Cheeto. We will take one year off of your life, if you promise not to stab us with a knife. Four lines is a quatrain, do you think it's about to rain? Man, we're really starting to side with Vizzini here, and we've only done four. Good lord that guy had more patience than he gets credit for.
Anyway, want some behind-the-scenes facts about the charming cult classic? As you wish.
Princess Bride

Source: EW

Source: EW

Source: EW

Source: EW

Source: Variety

Source: EW

Source: EW

Source: EW

Source: Vanity Fair

Source: EW

Source: Variety
The Princess Bride

Source: EW

Source: Variety

Source: EW
Princess Bride

Source: Variety