14 Myths About What Drinking Does To You

14 Myths About What Drinking Does To You

It makes sense that there's a lot of misinformation about drinking, considering that most research on the issue comes from people who are totally drunk. But we've sifted through the lies and now offer to you some facts about alcohol, the cause of—and solution to—all our misconceptions. 

MYTH: unDerage DRINKING IS A MAJOR PROBLEM! CRACKED.COM FACT: THERE'S LEsS OF IT now THAT Any Time RECORDED. Even before partying and gathering in general was put on hold, underage drinking had plummeted. Maybe because kids associate binge drinking with their parents, which means it's lame.

Source: NY Times

MYTH: DRINK coFFee TO sober UP. CRACKEDc COM FACT: THAT JUsT mAkes you An ALERT DRuNK. Caffeine is a stimulant, yeah, so it can counteract how sleepy alcohol makes you. Other than that, though, don't count on it reversing the effects of alcohol. And if you're caught driving after drinking

Source: CNN


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