38 Schemers, Scammers and Loophole-Exploiters That Got An A for Effort But An F for Fraud Charges
Robberies without all that messy smashing-and-grabbing nonsense

Scam artists and white-collar fraudsters are like the dark magicians of the corporate world. With a flick of their charm and dream-selling wand, they can pull fluffy, cotton-tailed fortunes out of your bank account’s hat. These victims were clapping, oohing and ah-ing in the moment, but some time later, they realized that this show cost them a lot more than just the price of admission.

Whole Foods Scam

The Miss Anna FX Scam

Alanis Morissette

The Russian Astronaut Scam


A Fake Chinese Bank

The Martin Lewis Scam

The iEarn Scam

Art Fraud

Tesla on Trial

The Fraud Capital of the U.K.


Benjamin Ackerman

The Fake Will Scam

The Tinder Scam

Fake Dating Ads

The Crypto.com Ukraine Scam

The OpenAI CTO Scam

The Jeff Bezos Scam

The Melissa Jackson Scam


Scam Emails

Kris Humphries

Source: US Magazine
Bernie Madoff (Yep, Him Again)



Alexander Hamilton

Stan Lee

Source: Vulture
Healthcare Billing Fraud

A.I. Crime

Bernie Madoff

The Lottery Scam

Ingenious Media


NFL Pyramid Scheme

The Nigerian Prince Scam

Beanie Babies Fraud

Source: 17 (Forgotten) 90's Things