20 of the Scariest Diseases in the World

The human body is like the Final Destination franchise: It makes no sense, but if anything, that only makes it scarier. Like, what cosmic prankster decided to put our breath holes so close to our eat holes? Why is our abdominal cavity, one of the most important parts of our functioning, also one of the squishiest?
There are just so many different ways you could die at any time. Final Destination proved that, too.
And those are just the mechanical failures. If you thought the body itself was a Lovecraftian nightmare, consider all the viruses, bacteria or plain old random mutations that might turn you from a normal body one moment into a writhing, foaming, oozing mass of barely recognizable humanity. They were conveniently listed after u/ser Guilty_Direction_501 asked r/AskReddit, “Doctors/biologists of Reddit, what is the most terrifying disease you can get?”