20 Things That Don’t Really Happen in Movies Anymore

Have you watched a movie from the ‘80s lately? Did it seem weird that absolutely everyone was smoking everywhere all the time? Offices, restaurants, bathrooms — people literally couldn’t take a shit without lighting up.
It’s a stark reminder of not only how far we’ve come as a society with regard to things like not shredding our lung tissue but also how far we’ve come as a society that makes movies. Of course, depictions change to reflect modern social norms, but filmmaking techniques also go out of fashion, entire genres disappear and dead horses made of tropes get beaten by mockery to a fine red mist of antiquity.
This is all to say that, when user SOWaysSecretary asked r/AskReddit, “What used to be extra common in movies that you just don’t see in movies anymore?,” there was plenty of material to mine.