17 of the Funniest Burns from the Week of October 9, 2023

Congress’ latest meme queen, the camera ready, quip-hurling George Santos, finally met a headline he couldn’t spin in his favor. The New York congressman was accused of six degrees of lying with a 23-count indictment that included charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, making false statements, falsifying records, aggravated identity theft and credit card fraud. The latest charges were in addition to his previous indictment from May that alleges Santos stole donor IDs and made unauthorized purchases on his campaign contributors’ credit cards.
But his biggest crime of all? Looking like a character straight out of Lazytown. With his fellow New York House Republicans introducing an expulsion bill to “rid the People’s House of fraudster George Santos,” his 15 minutes are close to up. Here’s hoping he has one more theatrical outburst in him for his final act.
At least the congressman found himself in good company with the timeline’s open roasting over the last week. Other than Santos, the heat was dialed up for the world’s meanest courtroom sketch, a perverted family tree and a show developed with your most annoying co-worker in mind.