22 of the Weirdest Things That Have Been Stolen From People

Despite corporate overstatements of the issue, some organized shoplifting rings are targeting retailers with the purpose of reselling stolen contraband. You’ve probably seen a viral video of a large group sweeping into a store and getting away with whatever they can grab in 30 seconds or less. Further down the larceny food chain are the minor thieves who merely dabble in shoplifting — the ones who have their eyes on something they can’t quite afford, leading them to the five-finger discount. And then there are the folks who display zero consideration for what they’re stealing; they’re just stealing to steal. The compulsive act scratches a specific itch in their brain, and they simply go about their day with their questionable loot in tow.
They’re the ones who have led Redditors to share the weirdest things stolen from them, not that we think any of the grabbed goods will be terribly missed…
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