12 People Who Single-Handedly Saved Literally Countless Lives

It is said that one person can make a difference and that is certainly true when it comes to the individuals on this list. These twelve people have single-handedly saved millions of lives, proving that one person can indeed make a huge impact on the world. From Bill Gates and his billions of dollars to Upendranath Brahmachari and his discovery of a deadly form of kala-azar, these people have made a difference in the lives of millions of people.
We can all learn from these individuals and their stories. They have shown us that even the smallest of actions can have a huge impact. They have reminded us that there is always something we can do to make the world a better place.
So, without further ado, let us take a look at these twelve individuals who have single-handedly saved millions of lives. From the Man With the Golden Arm to the scientist who created penicillin, these people have made a huge difference in the world. They have inspired us to make a difference and to never give up.
Let us take a moment to celebrate these twelve individuals and their amazing accomplishments.
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Saving millions of lives: check.

Carlo Urbani

Médecines Sans Frontières Canada/Wiki Commons,
Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock
Saving millions of lives: check.

Saving millions of lives: check.

University of Utah (via The New York Times),
The Light Lab/Shutterstock
Saving millions: Mary Papanicolaou.

Saving millions of lives: Maurice Hilleman, superhero.

"Man with Golden Arm" saves 2.4 million lives.

Via CNN,
Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock
Feeding the world: thanks, Fritz.

Bill Gates: Billionaire philanthropist extraordinaire.


Saving a billion lives: Nobel-worthy.

The Cold War