Weird World
5 Amazing Things Invented by Donald Duck (Seriously)
The guy behind Donald Duck comics might be our generation's Da Vinci ...
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum
- Published
How to Lose at Scrabble With Dignity [COMIC]
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
The 8 Most Successful Politicians (Who Weren't Human)
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
Awful Logo Design: An Art Form [COMIC]
- Authors
- By Winston Rowntree
- Published
6 Jobs You Won't Believe You Can Outsource
Wherever there is money and even the slightest demand for a service, there is someone out there willing to provide it, no matter how bizarre, pathetic or borderline illegal.
- Authors
- By Danny Vittore
- Published
6 Famous Artists You Didn't Know Were Perverts
Turns out the 'I Was Young and Needed the Money' cliche doesn't apply only to actors.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
5 Reasons Parenting Is One Place We Shouldn't Imitate China
Apparently parents in the U.S. are learning their parenting skills from the Chinese. Let's ... let's just take the foot of the gas, guys.
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
If Movie Happy Endings Were Awesome [COMIC]
Most insane escape ever.
- Authors
- By Space Avalanche
- Published
Excuses We'll Make to Keep Our Favorite Shirt [CHART]
We all have our favorite shirts. And we tend to hang onto them well past the point that logic and public decency laws would dictate ...
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published
5 Classic Board Games With Disturbing Origin Stories
Surely our favorite board games sprang fully formed from the land of bunnies and rainbows, right? Anybody? Hello?
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
How to Serve Slightly Chilled Revenge [COMIC]
Revenge is best served cold. But this will do.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
6 Comic Book Easter Eggs That Stuck It to The Man
It must be very satisfying to have a job where you can slip a passive-aggressive 'screw you' to your boss in the work you do.
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum
- Published
6 Subtle Ways You're Getting Screwed at the Grocery Store
While we'd like to think the free market is all about selling good quality at a good price, the difference between profit and bankruptcy can in fact lie in the seller's ability to screw you an ounce or a nickel at a time.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Karl Smallwood
- Published