Science & History
6 Evil WW2 Plots That Were Actually Pursued By The Good Guys
It turns out the Allies could be just as deranged as the Axis when it came to thinking of ways to win the war, and no one gives them enough credit for that.
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- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
22 Ways You're Trying To Hook Up (That Don't Work At All)
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- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Ways Minorities Were Screwed Out Of The History Books
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- By J.C Breen, Nate Yungman
- Published
Jokes You Didn't Know Were Indicators Of Mental Illness
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- By Nathan Williams
- Published
Why Science Is Still Mystified About How Humans Work
Everything you know is wrong and science is B.S.
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- By Jason Pargin, Scott Laffey
- Published
20 Ways Your Workplace Is The Worst Place To Work
Your job is pretty much a pit of stress, procrastination, and death.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Ways You're Probably Picturing History Wrong
They say you can learn from history, but first you have to understand it. And humanity absolutely does not.
- Authors
- By J. Remy von Freeden, E.M. Caris, J.N. Nelson, Chris Janney, yotamnk, Jamie Wyman, Leo Bensman
- Published
5 Animals We've Bred Into Existence That Spit In God's Face
Nature doesn't need any help brainstorming weird stuff to confuse and horrify us. Yet here we are, helping her out anyway.
- Authors
- By Eamon Lahiri
- Published
5 Religions With Huge Followings (You Had No Clue Existed)
Apparently there are several religions around the world with hundreds of thousands of followers which we can almost guarantee you know nothing about.
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- By Kathy Benjamin
- Published
6 Things Everyone Knows About War (That Are Totally Wrong)
Even the basic stuff we think we understand about international conflict is, at best, mostly wrong.
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- By John Preston Ford
- Published
The 6 Most Insane Pooping Strategies Dreamt Up By Evolution
Sometimes things get downright bonkers when nature calls.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Elections In US History (Before This One)
The 2016 election isn't even close to the dumbest, craziest, most spectacularly corrupt election America has dealt with.
- Authors
- By Zachary Frey
- Published
5 Nightmarish Ways People In History Solved Common Problems
As history has shown us, the greatest ideas have been formulated by maniacal geniuses. And terrible ideas, well, they just come from maniacs.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Marina Reimann
- Published
23 Places The World Changed Shockingly Fast [Before & After]
Time is a jerk and we have the pictures to prove it.
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Amazing Easter Eggs Lurking In Places You'd Never Suspect
If you've wondered if there are any video game-esque Easter eggs in real life, the answer, of course, is yes.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published